Quickly add your Advantage One cards to digital wallets.

When you're out shopping, the goal is to get the merchandise you want and then move on to other things. Now, there's an easy way to speed up that experience. It only takes a minute to add your Advantage One debit or credit cards to digital wallets on your mobile or wearable devices. After that, you can pay for purchases by tapping your device against a store's electronic payment terminal.

  • Both Advantage One Mobile App and Digital Wallets services are free¹

  • Use Apple Pay or Google Pay with the click of a button. Simply go to Card Management in our mobile app

  • Available for most major smartphone and tablet brands

  • Accepted at millions of locations worldwide

  • Digital payments can also be made online

  • Built-in security features protect your financial information

  • Analyze your spending habits  

¹Third party data rates may apply

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