Auto Loans

  • Low rates for new and used cars

  • No payment for up to 45 days²

  • Financing available for classic and collectible cars

  • Apply for pre-approval before you head to the dealer

Motorcycle Loans

  • Low rates for new and used

  • No payment for up to 45 days²

  • Flexible repayment terms

  • Apply for pre-approval before you buy

  • Financing available for purchases from dealerships and private party sellers

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Auto Refinancing

Love your current ride, but ready to trade in your old loan? Bring your current high-rate auto loan from another financial institution to Advantage One and discover great money-saving opportunities with our auto refinancing program.

Check My Rate

Quickly see what you could qualify for without impacting your credit score¹.

¹Interest begins to accrue when loan funds are disbursed; deferred payment may extend the term of the loan for deferred payment options. All loans are subject to approval. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change.


Auto Loans

No negotiations are needed. We make things easier. 

A big engine. Smooth handling. Great gas mileage. Every driver focuses on something different when they go to buy a car, truck, or SUV. But there’s one feature that everyone wants: a low-cost loan that helps keep their monthly payments under control. At Advantage One, we combine very competitive rates with exceptional service, making us the perfect first stop on your next road trip. 

  • Flexible repayment terms

  • First-time car buyer assistance

  • Financing options available with local dealerships


Auto Loan Rates

New Vehicles²

Rates accurate as of

New Auto and Motorcycle
Term APR1
36-Month %
60-Month %
72-Month (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
84-Month (minimum loan amount $25,000) %
First-Time Car Buyer3 %

Used Vehicles2 ( - )

Rates accurate as of

New Auto and Motorcycle
Term APR1
36-Month %
60-Month %
72-Month (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
84-Month (minimum loan amount $25,000) %
First-Time Car Buyer3 %

Used Vehicles2 ( & Older)

Rates accurate as of

Used Auto and Motorcycle Over 5 Years
Term APR1
36-Month2 %
48-Month2 %
60-Month2 (minimum loan amount $10,000) %
72-Month2 (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
First-Time Car Buyer3 %

1APR=Annual Percentage Rate. All loan rates cited as APR.

2Interest begins to accrue when loan funds are disbursed; deferred payment may extend the term of the loan for deferred payment options. All loans are subject to approval. Rates terms, and conditions are subject to change.

3To qualify for First-Time Car buyer program, there must be no previous auto history and no current FICO score present.

Payment Example: For a $25,000 loan for a term of 84 months with a 6.99% APR, the monthly payment will be $384.57.


Motorcycle Loans

You want that motorcycle you've always dreamed about. At Advantage One, we want to make that happen. So, let's kick-start the process. Whether you're buying your first bike or trading up to something even better, we offer a no-hassle loan application process that lets you spend less time inside our offices and more time on the open road where you really want to be.


Motorcycle Rates

New Motorcycles²

Rates accurate as of

New Auto and Motorcycle
Term APR1
36-Month %
60-Month %
72-Month (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
84-Month (minimum loan amount $25,000) %
First Time Car Buyer3 %

Used Motorcycles2 ( - )

Rates accurate as of

Used Auto and Motorcycle
Term APR1
36-Month %
60-Month %
72-Month (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
84-Month (minimum loan amount $25,000) %
First-Time Car Buyer3 %

Used Motorcycles2 ( & Older)

Rates accurate as of

Used Auto and Motorcycle Over 5 Years
Term APR1
36-Month2 %
48-Month2 %
60-Month2 (minimum loan amount $10,000) %
72-Month2 (minimum loan amount $15,000) %
First-Time Car Buyer3 %

1APR=Annual Percentage Rate. All loan rates cited as APR.

2Interest begins to accrue when loan funds are disbursed; deferred payment may extend the term of the loan for deferred payment options. All loans are subject to approval. Rates terms, and conditions are subject to change.

3To qualify for First-Time Car buyer program, there must be no previous auto history and no current FICO score present.

Payment Example:For a $25,000 loan for a term of 84 months with a 6.99% APR, the monthly payment will be $378.36.